Kati 0.25-1-g71be
Released under the GNU Affero General Public License
A webapp to generate catalogs of the new items in the library.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[catalog "0.25-1-g71be"]
Functionality to calculate next and previous issues and getting the issue for a given date
Public variables and functions:
Layout functionality that is common across all output formats. Such as translation strings, formatting of dates or braille signatures.
Render catalog items as DTBook XML to be converted to Braille later in the tool chain
Public variables and functions:
Functionality to render a tree of catalog items as accessible PDF
Public variables and functions:
Render a structure of all catalog items as DTBook XML. This will be used to narrate the book in Obi later in the tool chain.
Import XML files from the library system
Public variables and functions:
- braille-grade-raw-to-braille-grade
- braille-music-grade-raw-to-braille-grade
- clean-raw-item
- collate-all-duplicate-items
- collate-duplicate-items
- duplicate-print-and-braille-items
- format-raw-to-format
- fourth
- genre-code-to-genre
- genre-raw-to-genre
- genre-raw-to-ludo-genre
- genre-raw-to-subgenre
- get-accompanying-material
- get-controlfield
- get-double-spaced
- get-multi-subfields
- get-personel
- get-personel-fields
- get-personel-name
- get-personel-role
- get-producer-brief
- get-subfield
- get-target-audience
- get-update-keys-hörfilm
- get-update-keys-ludo
- get-update-keys-neu-als-hörbuch
- get-update-keys-print-and-braille
- get-update-keys-taktil
- get-year
- group
- ignore-sine-nomine
- iso-639-2-to-iso-639-1
- merge-braille-catalog-items
- normalize-name
- order
- order-and-group
- parse-int
- personel-actor?
- personel-director?
- producer-raw-to-producer
- read-file
- remove-nonprintable-chars
- select-vals
- target-audience-raw-to-target-audience
- text-raw
- trim-punctuation
Define the basic page structure and layout