Madras2 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT
A Production Management Tool for DAISY Talking Books
Functionality for the initial import of the production data from ABACUS to Madras2.
Public variables and functions:
- abacus-csv
- all-commercial-productions
- all-files-by-id
- all-productions
- append-to-file
- archived?
- cleanup-commercial-production
- copy-obi-project!
- copy-sigtuna-project!
- create-archived-productions!
- create-obi-config-file!
- create-ready-productions!
- create-recording-productions-with-obi!
- create-recording-productions-with-struct!
- create-recording-productions-without-obi!
- extract-id
- extract-id-from-db
- extract-id-from-file
- file-dump
- files-by-id
- fix-date
- fix-production
- format-merge
- format-obi-move
- format-recode-xml
- format-sigtuna-move
- get-all-files
- library-signature?
- merge-struct-file!
- move-script
- ncc-file?
- normalize-commercial-production
- obi-project-path
- obi-project?
- old-production-root
- parse-int
- print-stats
- production-id-to-library-signature-map
- production-id?
- productions
- ready?
- recording-no-wav-with-struct?
- recording-no-wav?
- recording-with-obi?
- recording-with-wav-no-obi?
- recording-with-wav?
- recording?
- smil-file?
- struct-file?
- to-millis
- wav-file?
Enhance the default data.xml emit functions so that the doctype declaration can be specified
Persistence for productions
Public variables and functions:
- delete!
- find
- find-all
- find-all-in-production
- find-archived
- find-archived-by-library-signature
- find-archived-by-productnumber
- find-archived-by-title-or-creator
- find-archived-by-year
- find-archived-by-year-month
- find-by-productnumber
- find-by-state
- find-production-type
- find-state
- find-user
- find-user-roles
- get-generated-key
- get-user
- insert!
- update!
Update meta data of a DAISY Talking Book
Thin layer on top of the Pipeline2 Web Service API
Public variables and functions:
Thin layer above the Pipeline2 Web Service API to invoke specific scripts.
Public variables and functions:
Utilities for dealing with the Pipeline2 Web Service API
Public variables and functions:
Functionality for productions
Public variables and functions:
- add-default-meta-data
- add-structure
- create!
- create-dirs
- dam-number
- default-meta-data
- delete!
- delete-all-dirs!
- find
- find-all-in-production
- find-archived
- find-archived-by-date
- find-archived-by-library-signature
- find-archived-by-productnumber
- find-archived-by-title-or-creator
- find-by-productnumber
- find-by-state
- iso8601ify
- library-signature?
- manifest-valid?
- manifest-validate
- manifest?
- multi-volume?
- parse
- set-state!
- set-state-archived!
- set-state-cataloged!
- set-state-encoded!
- set-state-recorded!
- set-state-split!
- set-state-structured!
- smil-clock-value
- split?
- update!
- update-production-dates
- uuid
- xml-path
Functionality to query some statistical information on all productions as a CSV
Public variables and functions:
Define the path to the various artifacts of a production
Public variables and functions:
Views for web application
Public variables and functions:
- abacus-metadata
- abacus-new
- abacus-recorded
- abacus-status
- catalog
- file-upload-form
- home
- login-form
- print-errors
- production
- production-add-xml
- production-archived
- production-archived-view
- production-bulk-import
- production-bulk-import-confirm
- production-bulk-import-confirm-form
- production-bulk-import-form
- production-catalog
- production-delete
- production-monitoring
- production-repair
- production-repair-confirm
- production-repair-form
- production-set-state
- production-split
- production-split-form
- production-xml
- unauthorized
- url-for